01. Aspiring dawn blues
02. Blues Unforgettable Greenwich
03. August Escape Blues
04. Beautiful Blues girl in tears
05. Bluse Street Juice
06. Farewell to sexy blues
07. Hot blues option
08. Image of strange blues
09. Ivory-colored word blues
10. January temptation blues
11. Lost mocking blues
12. Praise song blues
13. Rainy blues commune
14. Rainy blues deliveries
15. Red strategy blues
16. Romance and blues Sarah
17. Second blues sang
18. Sensual nightingale blues
19. September magic blues
20. Unforgettable Akatsuki Blues
21. Shining Jenny's blues
22. Spring and incense blues
23. Unexpected blues prelude
24. Thrilling blues and Joanna
25. True blues chance
26. Unforgettable Laura Blues
27. Secret illusion blues
Blues Intoroducthion